Sunrise Picnic Basket


In response to the overarching question of “How might we design a climate positive and equitable food system - one that is sustainable in all senses of the term?” I proceeded to approach this project through the lens of value.

Food is precious.

How might we engage people to increase their perceived value of food and nature to initiate lasting behavioural change?

The sunrise picnic basket is a kit for experiencing a mindful breakfast in nature during first light. Appreciating the power of awe and experience in shaping our values, the sunrise picnic basket seeks to create a spark for people to fall in love with food and nature that little bit more.

A booklet guides the user throughout their sunrise picnic experience. The pages cover sunrise times, a packing list, ideas for recipes using seasonal and locally sourced ingredients, recommended picnic spots, how to make a ceramic fridge magnet memento and more.


Models for the vase which can be filled with flora collected on the way to the picnic spot. Post picnic this will be a nice little ephemeral memento to be enjoyed until the basket and its contents are passed on to another household.


A model of the picnic basket together with a mini booklet and journal.


A selection of prompt cards with facts, poetry, quotes, provocative questions and mindfulness prompts are intended to be read aloud whilst sharing the meal.


An example of a fridge magnet memento which can include one word or a phrase, to be placed on the fridge door which will help prompt people to consume food mindfully.


UHack Trophies

